Arcángel Constantini
Mexico city. 1970.


Multifaceted artist who develops work with an experimental and playful character, formally and conceptually reinforced. Part of his productive attention has been turning in a loop, feeding from the obsolescence of technological objects and redefining them in the artistic context, as well as experiencing market events as a sociological phenomena and a source of inspiration.

His activities draw on implementations that give meaning to obsolete objects and events based on basic electronics and their operation, conceptual recycling, the construction of low-tech electromechanical systems and the extrapolation of ideas about different creative fields. Active in the scene, he has had a series of projects online since 1997, the year he started this activity. He is a member of, and in line with his artistic productions, he is curator and independent manger, organising exhibitions and events at the Cyberlounge of the Tamayo museum. He was a member of the curator board at the Festival de Arte Electrónico Transitio Mx, and the Dorkbot, Mexico City board.

He is the director of the emerging gallery ¼; he has exhibited his work in festivals and exhibitions in countries like, Holland, Argentina, Peru, Korea, Japan, Germany, France, Puerto Rico, Canada, Italy, UK, Uruguay, Brazil, Australia, Spain and Portugal; he won the Rockefeller MacArthur grant for new media and is currently a member of the Sistema Nacional de creadores FONCA.